rotorflight flylog

Rotorflight Flylog 脚本,从v0.4重新在GitHub上托管。

Rotorflight Flylog script, rehosted on GitHub from v0.4.


Brief introduction

FlyLog脚本可以自动识别遥测回来的数据以新的名称重新刷新显示出来,添加,设置都非常的简单。有7个实时数据,可以记录56组详情数据,详细说明请查看说明书。 已适配4.3.0-RC1版本固件;转速,电调,主控温度值调整至空闲的GPS数据通道,遥控器上的遥测项无需设置比率值。 运行环境:系统2.9版本起;480x272彩屏。

The FlyLog script can automatically identify the data returned by telemetry and re-refresh it with a new name, and it is very easy to add, and set up. There are 7 real-time data, and 56 sets of detailed data can be recorded, please refer to the manual for detailed instructions. Compatible with 4.3.0-RC1 firmware, the speed, ESC, and main control temperature values are adjusted to the free GPS data channel, and the telemetry items on the remote control do not need to set the ratio value. Operating environment: system version 2.9 onwards, 480x272 color screen.