*These projects are protected by a confidentiality contract to avoid plagerism of future students. To see the code, please contact me Jiquinn@calpoly.edu and I will share the code privately. *

Spring-2019-CPE-202: Python Data Structures Learned & Associated Projects:

Huffman Tree

  • Huffman Encode and Decode files (War and Peace, Declaration of Independence)

Stack Array

  • Topological sort on a directed acyclic graph (Recreation of the Unix tsort)
  • Calculate the result of a postfix expression
  • Convert an Infix expression to a Postfix expression
  • Convert a prefix expression to a Postfix expression

Queue Array

  • Binary Search Tree

Quadratic Hash Table with Horner's rule

  • Concordance Class: Reads "stop words" from an input file and inserts each word as a key into a "stop words hash table." Next, the program reads words from an input text file (such as the dictonary, War and Peace, and The Declaration of Independence) and insert them into the concordance hash table, filtering out punctuation, numbers, and words in the stop words hash table. Writes the concordance entries to an output file.

Linked Stack

Doubly-linked Ordered List
