
Logging tenhou paifu into excel, csv or html file with some key information. 天鳳牌譜記錄器。

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tenhou Paifu Logger

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Logging tenhou paifu into excel, csv or html file with some key information.

Generated by DALL·E

If you like this project, please leave a star. It will be a great encouragement for me. And if you have any suggestions, please feel free to create an issue.

Downloads | 中文說明 | 日本語


  • Python 3.10 or later

Since CLI-0.3.8, the project is only compatible with Python 3.10 or later. For Python 3.9 or earlier users, please use CLI- which is the last version that supports Python 3.9 or earlier. Or download from pypi with the following command.

pip install PaifuLogger==


  1. Download the project.

a. Download from github.

i. Clone the repository or download the latest release.

git clone https://github.com/Jim137/Tenhou-Paifu-Logger.git

ii. Copy the paifu URL from tenhou.net to clipboard.

iii. Open runlog-user.bat.

b. Download from pypi.

i. Open command line and type

pip install PaifuLogger

ii. Copy the paifu URL from tenhou.net to clipboard. And type

plog -l [language] -o [output directory] [paifu URLs]
  1. Once 1675261153312 appears, paste the paifu URL and press Enter.
    Note: In the latest version, you can input multiple URLs at once, separated by whatever you like. If you are lazy, you can just paste w/o anything.
  2. After 1675264143738 appears, the paifu is successfully logged.
  3. When 1675261153312 appears again, you can paste the next the URL.


  • Support multiple URLs at once.
  • Log paifu into excel, csv or html file with some key information. (-f, --format)
  • Support logging to multiple formats at once. (e.g.: -f csv -f html; -a, --all-formats)
  • Distinguish Sanma(3p) and Yonma(4p) and log into separate sheets.
  • Skip duplicated paifu
  • Remake the paifu with URL already logged (-r, --remake). It will be useful when we updated the logging information in future.
  • Customized output directory (-o, --output)
  • Support mjai format paifu output (--mjai). You have to run git pull --recurse-submodules first.
  • Localization support (-l, --language)
    • English: en
    • Traditional Chinese: zh_tw
    • Simplified Chinese: zh
    • Japanese (ChatGPT): ja

Information logged

  • Game time
  • Placing
  • URL (for future use)
  • Rate before the game

Future features

  • Add match replay for every round in html file
  • The change of Rate
  • Agari analysis
  • Support Majsoul paifu
  • GUI


We welcome all kinds of contributions, including but not limited to bug reports, pull requests, feature requests, documentation improvements, localizations...etc.

See CONTRIBUTING.md for more details.
