
Hi 👋, I'm Jinghui Liao

A Ph.D. candidate from Wayne State University

I am...

  • 🎓 A computer science PhD candidate interested in System Security, Blockchain, Trusted Execution Environment, Vehicle Security
  • 👨‍💻 A bloger.
  • 📚 neo community columnist
  • 🎓 University of Delaware visiting student

Recent achievements

  • In Submission - FALCON: Unlocking Low-slippage Data for Blockchain
  • In Submission - BCRAND: A Secure Runtime Random Number Generator for Smart Contracts
  • IEEE EDGE'22 - Bring Trust to Edge: Secure and Decentralized IoT Framework with BFT and Permissioned Blockchain
  • AsiaCCS'22 - Speedster: A TEE-assisted State Channel System
  • SEC'21 Workshop - TrustZone Enhanced Plausibly Deniable Encryption System for Mobile Devices
  • DSN'20 Best Paper Award Runner Up - KShot: Live kernel patching with SMM and SGX
  • SEC'18 - Preliminary study of trusted execution environments on heterogeneous edge platforms
