
NEO Enhancement Proposals

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

NEO Enhancement Proposals

NEO Enhancement Proposals (NEPs) describe standards for the NEO platform, including core protocol specifications, client APIs, and contract standards.


First review NEP-1. Then clone the repository and add your NEP to it. There is a template NEP here. Then submit a Pull Request to this repository.

Table of Contents

# Title Author Type Status
1 NEP Purpose and Guidelines Erik Zhang Meta Active
2 Passphrase-protected private key Erik Zhang Standard Final
6 Wallet Standard Erik Zhang Standard Final
9 URI Scheme Andrei, Apisit Standard Final
11 Non-fungible Token Standard Joe Stewart, Shane Mann, Wyatt Mufson, Erik Zhang Standard Final
14 NeoContract ABI Erik Zhang Standard Final
15 NeoContract Manifest Erik Zhang, Fernando Díaz Toledano, Vitor Nazário Coelho, Igor Machado Coelho, Li Jianying Standard Final
16 NEO Executable Format (NEF) Fernando Díaz Toledano, Erik Zhang, Igor Machado Coelho, Li Jianying, Vitor Nazário Coelho Standard Final
17 Token Standard Erik Zhang Standard Final
18 Neo Address Resolution Erik Zhang Standard Accepted
19 Debug Info Specification Harry Pierson Standard Final
20 Authentication Scheme Erik Zhang Standard Accepted
21 Dapi for N3 Erik Zhang Standard Accepted
22 Contract Basic Method Guideline Owen Zhang, Fernando Díaz Toledano, Erik Zhang Informational Accepted
23 JSON-RPC error handling and codes Anna Shaleva, Roman Khimov Informational Accepted
24 NFT Royalty Standard Owen Zhang, Vincent Geneste Standard Accepted
Dynamic Sharding Standard Stub
Compact Block Relay Standard Stub
Peer Authentication Standard Stub
Aggregate Signature Standard Stub
Homomorphic Encryption Standard Stub
Zero-knowledge proof Standard Stub
Stealth Addresses Standard Stub