
A quick guide (especially) for trending instruction finetuning datasets

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LLMDataHub: Awesome Datasets for LLM Training


Large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI's GPT series, Google's Bard, and Baidu's Wenxin Yiyan, are driving profound technological changes. Recently, with the emergence of open-source large model frameworks like LlaMa and ChatGLM, training an LLM is no longer the exclusive domain of resource-rich companies. Training LLMs by small organizations or individuals has become an important interest in the open-source community, with some notable works including Alpaca, Vicuna, and Luotuo. In addition to large model frameworks, large-scale and high-quality training corpora are also essential for training large language models. Currently, relevant open-source corpora in the community are still scattered. Therefore, the goal of this repository is to continuously collect high-quality training corpora for LLMs in the open-source community.

Training a chatbot LLM that can follow human instruction effectively requires access to high-quality datasets that cover a range of conversation domains and styles. In this repository, we provide a curated collection of datasets specifically designed for chatbot training, including links, size, language, usage, and a brief description of each dataset. Our goal is to make it easier for researchers and practitioners to identify and select the most relevant and useful datasets for their chatbot LLM training needs. Whether you're working on improving chatbot dialogue quality, response generation, or language understanding, this repository has something for you.

Open Access Datasets


  • IFT: Instruction Finetune
  • DFT: Dialog Finetune
  • PT: pretrain
  • CoT: Chain-of-Thought Finetune
  • RLHF: train reward model in Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback
Dataset name Used by Used for Language Size Description
h2oai/h2ogpt-fortune2000-personalized h2ogpt IFT English 11363 entries A instruction finetune developed by h2oai, covered various topics.
SHP StableVicuna,
, SteamSHP
RLHF English 385K entries An RLHF dataset different from previously mentioned ones, it use scores+timestamps to infer the users' preferences. Covers 18 domains, collected by Stanford.
ELI5 MiniLM series FT,
English 270K entries Questions and Answers collected from Reddit, including score. Might be used for RLHF reward model training.
evol_instruct_70k WizardLM IFT English An instruction finetune dataset derived from Alpaca-52K, using the evolution method in this paper
Chinese, English 1.1M entries A conversational dataset collected and developed by MOSS team. It has usefulness, loyalty and harmlessness labels for every data entries.
ShareGPT52K Koala, Stable LLM IFT Multilingual 52K This dataset comprises conversations collected from ShareGPT, with a specific focus on customized creative conversation.
GPT-4all Dataset GPT-4all IFT English,
Might have
a translated version
400k entries A combination of some subsets of OIG, P3 and Stackoverflow. Covers topics like general QA, customized creative questions.
COIG / IFT Chinese,
200K entries A Chinese-based dataset. It contains domains like general purpose QA, Chinese exams, code. Its quality is checked by human annotators.
RedPajama-Data-1T RedPajama PT Primarily English 1.2T tokens
A fully open pretraining dataset follows the LLaMA's method.
OpenAssistant Conversations Dataset (OASST1) OpenAssistant IFT,
(English, Spanish, etc.)
66,497 conversation trees A large, human-written, human-annotated high quality conversation dataset. It aims at making LLM generates more natural response.
Alpaca-COT Phoenix IFT,
English / A mixture a many dataset like classic Alpaca dataset, OIG, Guanaco and some CoT(Chain-of-Thought) datasets like FLAN-CoT. May be handy to use.
CBook-150K / PT,
building dataset
Chinese 150K+ books A raw Chinese books dataset. Need some preprocess pipeline.
databricks-dolly-15k Dolly2.0 IFT English 15K+ entries A dataset of human-written prompts and responses, featuring tasks such as open-domain question-answering, brainstorming, summarization, and more.
AlpacaDataCleaned Some Alpaca/ LLaMA-like models IFT English / Cleaned version of Alpaca, GPT_LLM and GPTeacher.
GPT-4-LLM Dataset Some Alpaca-like models IFT,
52K entries for English and Chinese respectively
9K entries unnatural-instruction
NOT the dataset used by GPT-4!! It is generated by GPT-4 and some other LLM for better IFT and RLHF. It includes instruction data as well as comparison data in RLHF style.
GPTeacher / IFT English 20k entries A dataset contains targets generated by GPT-4 and includes many of the same seed tasks as the Alpaca dataset, with the addition of some new tasks such as roleplay.
HC3 Koala RLHF English,
24322 English
12853 Chinese
A multi-domain, human-vs-ChatGPT comparison dataset. Can be used for reward model training or ChatGPT detector training.
Alpaca data
Alpaca, ChatGLM-finetune-LoRA, Koala DFT,
English 52K entries
A dataset generated by text-davinci-003 to improve language models' ability to follow human instruction.
Pythia-Chat-Base-7B, GPT-NeoXT-Chat-Base-20B, Koala DFT,
44M entries A large conversational instruction dataset with medium and high quality subsets (OIG-small-chip2) for multi-task learning.
ChatAlpaca data / DFT,
Chinese version coming soon
10k entries
A dataset aims to help researchers develop models for instruction-following in multi-turn conversations.
InstructionWild ColossalChat IFT English, Chinese 10K enreues A Alpaca-style dataset, but with seed tasks comes from chatgpt screenshot.
Firefly(流萤) Firefly(流萤) IFT Chinese 1.1M entries
A Chinese instruction-tuning dataset with 1.1 million human-written examples across 23 tasks, but no conversation.
0.5M version
1M version
2M version
BELLE series, Chunhua (春华) IFT Chinese 2.67B in total A Chinese instruction dataset similar to Alpaca data constructed by generating answers from seed tasks, but no conversation.
GuanacoDataset Guanaco DFT,
534,530 entries A multilingual instruction dataset for enhancing language models' capabilities in various linguistic tasks, such as natural language understanding and explicit content recognition.
xP3 (and some variant) BLOOMZ, mT0 IFT Multilingual,
79M entries
An instruction dataset for improving language models' generalization ability, similar to Natural Instruct.
OpenAI WebGPT WebGPT's reward model, Koala RLHF English 19,578 pairs Data set used in WebGPT paper. Used for training reward model in RLHF.
OpenAI Summarization Comparison Koala RLHF English ~93K entries
A dataset of human feedback which helps training a reward model. The reward model was then used to train a summarization model to align with human preferences.
Natural Instruction
tk-instruct series IFT,
Multilingual / A benchmark with over 1,600 tasks with instruction and definition for evaluating and improving language models' multi-task generalization under natural language instruction.
on Huggingface
Koala RLHF English 161k pairs
A pairwise dataset for training reward models in reinforcement learning for improving language models' harmlessness and helpfulness.
Common Crawl LLaMA (After some process) building datasets,
/ / The most well-known raw dataset, rarely be used directly. One possible preprocess pipeline is CCNet
nlp_Chinese_Corpus / PT,
Chinese / A Chinese pretrain corpus. Includes Wikipedia, Baidu Baike, Baidu QA, some forums QA and news corpus.
The Pile (V1) GLM (partly), LLaMA (partly), GPT-J, GPT-NeoX-20B, Cerebras-GPT 6.7B, OPT-175b PT Multilingual,
825GB A diverse open-source language modeling dataset consisting of 22 smaller, high-quality datasets that includes many domains and tasks.
Huggingface dataset
TensorFlow dataset
Google T5 Series, LLaMA PT English 305GB A colossal, cleaned version of Common Crawl's web crawl corpus. Frequently be used.
ROOTS BLOOM PT Multilingual,
1.6TB A diverse open-source dataset consisting of sub-datasets like Wikipedia and StackExchange for language modeling.
Pushshift reddit
OPT-175b PT / / Raw reddit data, one possible processing pipeline in this paper
Gutenberg project LLaMA PT Multilingual / A book dataset, mostly novels. Not be preprocessed.
CLUECorpus / PT,
Chinese 100GB A Chinese pretraining Corpus sourced from Common Crawl.

Potential Overlaps

We consider row items as subject.

OIG hh-rlhf xP3 natural instruct AlpacaDataCleaned GPT-4-LLM Alpaca-CoT
OIG / contains overlap overlap overlap overlap
hh-rlhf part of / overlap
xP3 overlap / overlap overlap
natural instruct overlap overlap / overlap
AlpacaDataCleaned overlap / overlap overlap
GPT-4-LLM overlap / overlap
Alpaca-CoT overlap overlap overlap overlap overlap overlap /

Domain-specific Datasets

Dataset name Used by Used for Language Size Description
finance-alpaca / IFT English 1.3K entries An Alpaca-style dataset but focus on financial topics

Private Datasets

Dataset name Used by Used for Language Size Description
ShareGPT-70K Vicuna Instruction fintune / 70K entries Data shared by user on ShareGPT
WebText(Reddit links) GPT-2 PT English / Data crawled from Reddit and filtered for GPT-2 pretraining.
MassiveText Gopher, Chinchilla PT 99% English, 1% other(including code)
WuDao(悟道) Corpora GLM PT Chinese 200GB A large scale Chinese corpus, Possible component originally open-sourced but not available now.