
Controlling my lights in the house with ESP8266, Blynk, NodeMCU, Thingspeak... And logging temperature, humidity, barometric pressure

Primary LanguageArduino


BlynkyHome is my funproject to play with NODEMCU/ESP8266, Blynk (a wonderfull kickstarter project), Thingspeak, a bunch of sensors and a KaKu (Klik aan Klik uit) system. It delivers automatic control of the lights in the livingroom. Automatic push notification when someone enters the room and information + logging of the temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and ambient light intensity.

It can use the new KaKu protocol (which is much more reliable, if you ask me).

Components I am using now:

  • NodeMCU 1.0 (new version)
  • DHT22 (humidity sensor)
  • GY-65 (BMP085, barometric sensor)
  • DS18B20 (temperature sensor)
  • LDR
  • PIR motion detection sensor
  • 433Mhz transmitter

Designed and ordered a PCB to make everything nice. :-)

More to come!!

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