
A Webmin module for managing dnsmasq

Primary LanguagePerl

A Webmin module for managing DNSMasq.


Directly from Github

  1. From the DNSMasq module releases page, click Assets under the latest release.
  2. Right-click the link for dnsmasq.wbm.gz and copy the link address to the clipboard
  3. In Webmin, under the Webmin menu, click on Webmin Configuration
  4. Click on the Webmin Modules icon
  5. Ensure the Install tab is selected. Under Install from, select From HTTP or FTP URL.
  6. Paste the link copied in step 2
  7. Click Install Module
  8. A new entry will appear under the Servers menu: DNSMasq DNS & DHCP server

From downloaded file

  1. Download the latest dnsmasq.wbm.gz file from the releases page
  2. In Webmin, under the Webmin menu, click on Webmin Configuration
  3. Click on the Webmin Modules icon
  4. Ensure the Install tab is selected. Under Install from, ensure the option From local file is selected. Click the icon to open the 'select file' dialog, and navigate to (and select) the downloaded dnsmasq.wbm.gz file.
  5. Click Install Module
  6. A new entry will appear under the Servers menu: DNSMasq DNS & DHCP server

Module settings

By default this module presumes that the configuration file is named dnsmasq.conf and can be found directly under /etc/. If your configuration file has a different name or is in a different location by default, please report a GitHub issue and include your OS, distribution & distribution version, and DNSMasq version.

In order to stop/start/restart/reload the dnsmasq service, this module also presumes that your system has systemd installed.

If DNSMasq is installed and a configuration file exists but either or both are not in the default location, click on the module configuration link in the message (or the gear icon above the message) to go to the module configuration, where you will be able to specify the paths for the DNSMasq executable and the configuration file (among other things). The module configuration also allows you to change the commands to start, stop, and restart the dnsmasq service, as well as the commands to cause DNSMasq to reread certain configuration files (without restarting) and to dump DNSMasq logs. See the DNSMasq documentation for further information about how those commands work.



Settings for DNSMasq are broken down into three general categories - DNS settings, DHCP settings, and BOOTP/TFTP settings. Selecting the corresponding tab will show a series of icons with more specific sections under each category.

All settings correspond to specific configuration options identified in the DNSMasq documentation. For any given option, hovering the mouse over the help icon to the right of the description will show the name of the option, a brief explanation of what it does, and how to specify parameters for that option (if any).

Simple options

Most options are either simply enabled or disabled. Some others may have one or a few values that must be specified in order to enable them. To enable an option, click the checkbox to the left of the option and click Save. More than one option at a time may be enabled or disabled by checking more than one box.

For those options that require additional parameters, the form will provide some guidance as to what type of information is required before you can save.

List options

Some options may be specified multiple times. For these, a list is presented. To add an item to the list, click the Add * button above or below the list. This will open a dialog, showing the corresponding values that must be specified. Added items are enabled by default.

To edit an item in the list, click on any of the values to show an edit dialog.

To enable one or more list item, click the checkbox to the left of the item and click Enable. More than one item at a time may be enabled or disabled by checking more than one box.

Manual configuration file editing

Finally, you may directly edit the configuration file(s) by clicking Edit config files under the DNS settings tab.


If any errors are found in the saved configuration, a box will show at the top of the page listing the details of the discovered issue. This contains the name of the option, the configuration file it is found in, and which line contains the offending error. If a required parameter is missing, or if there is something wrong with the specified value for that parameter, a short description will identify the issue.

To correct the error, you have three options:

1. Fix the value

Clicking on any text in the error row will take you to the relevant settings page for that option, and (hopefully) provide you with more information regarding how to fix the problem. For list items, the appropriate edit dialog will pop up for that item.

2. Disable the option

To disable the option and allow DNSMasq to use the default value, ensure the checkbox to the left of the error is checked and click Disable. More than one error-causing option at a time may be disabled by checking more than one box.

3. Delete the option

To delete the option from the configuration file and allow DNSMasq to use the default value, ensure the checkbox to the left of the error is checked and click Delete. More than one error-causing option at a time may be deleted by checking more than one box.

Applying changes

Click the restart icon at the top right of the module's page to restart DNSMasq. In most cases, DNSMasq must be restarted to apply configuration changes.

The exceptions to this requirement are:

  • addn-hosts
    • DNS settings -> Basic DNS settings -> Additional hosts file(s)
  • hostsdir
    • DNS settings -> Basic DNS settings -> Additional hosts file directories
  • servers-file
    • DNS settings -> Additional Configuration Files -> "Additional configuration files (only 'server' and 'rev-server')"
  • dhcp-hostsfile
    • DHCP settings -> Basic DHCP settings
  • dhcp-optsfile
    • DHCP settings -> Basic DHCP settings
  • dhcp-hostsdir
    • DHCP settings -> Basic DHCP settings
  • dhcp-optsdir
    • DHCP settings -> Basic DHCP settings
  • read-ethers
    • DHCP settings -> Basic DHCP settings

For the above options, DNSMasq will reread the specified files and directories upon receiving a SIGHUP. In addition, it will:

  • clear its cache
  • reload /etc/hosts (unless no-hosts is enabled)
  • call the DHCP lease change script for all existing DHCP leases
  • reread /etc/resolv.conf (if no-poll is enabled)