Low-level programming & Algorithm

Module of Low-level programming and algorithm, carried out during Full Stack Software Engineering studies at ALX.


  • Scripts written in Bash 4.3.11(1)
  • C files are compiled using gcc 8.2
  • C files are written according to the C90 standard
  • Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS


All of the following folders are projects done during the studies:

Project name Description
0x00-hello_world It aims to learn about what is entry point, basics commands (puts, printf, putchar), compilation process with gcc in C language
0x01-variables_if_else_while It aims to learn about arithmetic operators, relational operators, boolean operators, comments, declaring variables and loops in C language
0x02-functions_nested_loops It aims to learn about header files, functions, loops and nested loops in C language
0x03-debugging It aims to learn how to debug in C language