Need to have named export and interface declaration at the same time for using in isomorphic app
budarin opened this issue · 0 comments
budarin commented
I am developing an isomorphic app and style-loader/useable
and use such operator
import appStyles from './app.css';
const css = process.env.__BROWSER__ ? appStyles.locals : appStyles;
if (process.env.__BROWSER__ ) {
<div className={css.btn} />
so I need to have both declarations and also to have declared use
and ``unuse``` methods
What is needed:
.hello {
color: red;
export interface IAppCss {
hello: string;
export const hello: string;
export const locals: IAppCss;
export const use: Function;
export const unuse: Function;
Propose to add an option flag isomorphic: boolean (false by default)