Drop-in replacement for css-loader to generate typings for your CSS-Modules on the fly in webpack
- andreyantipov@synthesized-io
- antageUSA
- aspirisenGeorgia
- cescoferraro@kubeshop
- ctaepper
- d4rkr00tAtlassian
- davojanPlanet Earth
- DChinin
- DonaldMackay
- eddiegroves
- farant
- gurdasnijor@segmentio
- iEricKoh
- jakob101Microsoft
- janvimg.ly
- jdolle
- JLLeitschuh@chainguard-dev
- jurosh@nexitsk Nexit.company
- linuxonrailsZoconet
- mathieumg@MaintainX
- mdlawson
- meandmaxAtlassian
- michaelmyers@XAPPmedia
- olegstepuraM&P
- owais@splunk
- pplewa
- rozzzlyjsFinesse
- scriby
- spalaxUkraine, Kiev
- timse@atlassian
- TN1ckre:cap Technologies GmbH
- TrySound@webstudio-is
- Valbrand
- vyorkin@zeriontech
- zakdances
- ZalastaxGothenburg, Sweden