
Container cell with reusable content.

Primary LanguageSwift


Wrap a UIView/UIViewController inside a container view.

What is this?

A view may appear on its own, or put inside container like UITableViewCell. When you want to reuse your View without creating a dedicated UITableViewCell subclass, you can do this with ContainerCell.

Now it offers wrapping UIView/UIViewController inside UITableViewCell

class UIViewCell<Content: UIView>: UITableViewCell { ... }
class UIViewControllerCell<Content: UIViewController>: UITableViewCell { ... }

SwiftUI interoperability

You can wrap a SwiftUI View inside an UIHostingController, and put it inside UIViewControllerCell. But if you are building a pure SwiftUI interface, you should use SwiftUI directly.


Please refer to example project. It demonstrates SwiftUI and UIKit usage.