
Copy emails from one server to another

Primary LanguagePython


Copy emails and folders from an IMAP account to another one even in deifferent servers.

Creates missing folders and skips existing messages (using message-id).

Emails copied with their accurate timestamp so they don't appear as new(today) in the destination

Batch file included(startSyncProcess) with example CSV to copy/sync multiple mailboxes

use sync.py and remember to install pytz in python 3.X

Source IMAP is always accessed READ-ONLY.

Usage: imapcp.py <user>:<password>:<host>:<port> <user>:<password>:<host>:<port>

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE
                        Exclude folders matching pattern (can be specified
                        multiple times)
  -f FOLDER, --folder=FOLDER
                        Only copy a single folder (use from:to to specify a
                        different destinatin name)
  -s, --simulate        Do not perform any task
  --from=FR             Only copy messages older than this date (inclusive)
  --to=TO               Only copy messages newer than this date (inclusive)
  --zone="timezone"     Timezone for source emails as in pytz lib

If you are looking for a list of pytz timezones cheout this gist

c# project is hardly upto the task but soon :)

forked and updated from GTOZZI