
SMILE Lab python helper library.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


SMILE Lab python helper library.


pip install smile


This library aims to provide a general way to handle logging and command-line parameters. Its usage is described in the following example:

In example.py, we have

import smile as sm
from smile import flags
from smile import logging

flags.DEFINE_string("param", "default_value", "A general flag.")

with flags.Subcommand("echo", dest="action"):
    flags.DEFINE_string("echo_text", "", "The text to be echoed out.")

with flags.Subcommand("echo_bool", dest="action"):
    flags.DEFINE_bool("just_do_it", False, "some help infomation")


def main(_):
    """Print out the FLAGS in the main function."""
    logging.info("param = %s", FLAGS.param)
    if FLAGS.action == "echo":
    elif FLAGS.action == "echo_bool":
        logging.info("Just do it? %s", "Yes!" if FLAGS.just_do_it else "No :(")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then in terminal, use one of the following way to pass new parameters to the variable of param

python example.py --param=new_value echo --echo_text "Hello, SMILE!"

and YESSSSS!, we support:

  • subcommands: much like git commit or git rm --cached huang.c.
  • positional arguments: "abc.py" in git add abc.py

More about logging

The logging module can be used together with flags to filter logs, e.g.,

python example.py --param=new_value echo --echo_text "Hello, SMILE!" --verbosity -1

This will filter out the INFO level logs and only display WARN level or below logs.

For more details, view logging/init.py.

More examples

Please refer to smoke_test.py.