This repo is in development and is not supported ..
- @angular 7 (7.1.x)
- @ngrx/platform 7 (7.0.0-beta.1)
- @aspnet/signalr (1.1.0)
- ASP.NET Core 2.2 (2.2.100)
- IdentityServer4 (2.3.0)
- SignalR (1.1.0)
- Node.js (min v8) & npm
- SQL Server 2017 with command line tools (sqlcmd) (Select the 'Express' Edition, and set up 'Mixed-Mode authentication' during config)
- .NET Core 2.2 / dotnet-sdk-2.2 (2.2.100)
npm install
in SimpleCMS.Appdotnet restore
in each SimpleCMS.* folder
- Create new sql sysadmin login and user "user1:Password123" (with terminal) :
sqlcmd -U sa -P <SaAccountPassword> -S localhost
(replace with the password you choosed during mssql-server configuration)> create login user1 with password = 'Password123';
> go
> exec master..sp_addsrvrolemember @loginame = N'user1', @rolename = N'sysadmin'
> go
> exit
- Initialize database with shell script (in terminal) :
cd SimpleCMS.Data
sudo chmod +x
and wait until the end
- Follow this instructions (ssl/howto.txt) to create self--signed certificate and make browsers happy
- Create an app called "SimpleCMS" in your microsoft account (if you don't have an account, create it first) to use external login:
- Following this tutorial
- Replace the MicrosoftClientId and MicrosoftClientSecret entries in SimpleCMS.Auth/appsettings.json with the values of your new registered app.
- Open 3 terminals (and let them open):
- in SimpleCMS.Auth:
dotnet run
- in SimpleCMS.Api:
dotnet run
- in SimpleCMS.App:
npm start
- in SimpleCMS.Auth:
- Open browser and navigate to https://localhost:44300
- Visual Studio 2017 Community with following things installed:
- Workloads:
- ASP.NET and web development
- .NET Core cross-platform development
- Individual components:
- Cloud, database, and server --> IIS Express
- Workloads:
- .NET Core 2.2 SDK
- Node.js (min 10.6.0) & npm
To register this application in your Microsoft Account and be able to use external login:
- Follow this tutorial (name it "SimpleCMS")
- Replace the MicrosoftClientId and MicrosoftClientSecret entries in SimpleCMS.Auth/appsettings.json with the values of your new registered app.
cd SimpleCMS.App
npm install
- Right-click on "simple-cms" solution and choose Properties Under Common Properties -> Startup Project select Multiple startup projects and select the "Start" action for this 2 projects: SimpleCMS.Auth & SimpleCMS.Api
- Start once, accept self-signed certificate(s) and stop it (I think that all the dotnet nuget packages will be restored automatically)
- We need to create a sysadmin login and user called 'user1' with password 'Password123' in the SQL Server instance we will work with
- There is still no windows batch to do the same job as SimpleCMS.Data/
- Start or Debug the Visual Studio project (SimpleCMS.Auth & SimpleCMS.Api)
- if you have NPM Task Runner in Visual Studio, you could just run the "Start" script, otherwise open a terminal in SimpleCMS.App and execute
npm start
- Open browser and navigate to https://localhost:44300