This is a repository for predicting the conditions of water pumps in Tanzania (either functional, not functional, or functional but needs repairs) given categorical and numerical features.
One in every six people lack access to safe drinking water. The ability to predict which water pump will fail can improve maintenance operations and ensure people have access to clean water.
Visualization is used to perform feature extraction and understanding the data.
- individual features independently
- correlations between categorical features (using cramers V and theils U)
- correlations between numeric features and cateogirical features (using correlation ratio)
- correlations between numeric features (using pearson's R)
Created histograms, heatmaps, joint plots, and pairplots.
Click here to see more about the data.
Click here for notebooks that visualizes the data.
80/20 split for train and validation. For the final model, the model was retrained on the entire train set.
Dealing with all datatypes:
- dropping irrelevant features
Dealing with numerics:
- change zero values by:
- dropping rows with zeros in it
- replacing zeros with median
- scaling numeric values like:
- log scale
- box cox scale
- absolute value negative values
- binning values
- removing outliers with Z-score threshold
- standard scale numeric values
- change zero values by:
Dealing with datetime:
- convert datetime to days from first date
Dealing with categories:
- replace NaN with the most common category
- reduce dimensions of categorical data
- convert categories into one-hot encoding
Click here for more specifics.
- Softmax Logistic Regression
- Linear SVM
- Decision Trees
- Random Forests
- AdaBoost
80% accuracy. For reference, the best results produced about 82% accuracy.
- Dropping rows could not be used because I could not turn this off when applying the transformation to the final test set (I'm not allowed to drop rows for the final test set).
Data is gathered from Taarifa, an organization that gathered data from the Tanzania Ministry of Water. The classification idea is from