
A pytorch implementation of the ICCV2021 workshop paper SimDis: Simple Distillation Baselines for Improving Small Self-supervised Models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Before training, please ensure the path (namely ${root_of_clone}) is added in your PYTHONPATH, e.g.

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${root_of_clone}

Offline Distillation Baseline

Step 1. Train Teacher

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8	--nnodes=$1 --node_rank=$2 SimDis/tools/run_SimDis.py \
	--distributed -d 0-7 --rank $2 --word_size $1  \
	--exp_file SimDis/exps/arxiv/base_exp_simDis.py \
	--optimizer LARS --syncBN --epochs 1000 \ 
	--method SimDis_teacher \
	--model_s resnet50.s_dv

Step 2. Train Student with offline distillation

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8	--nnodes=$1 --node_rank=$2 SimDis/tools/run_SimDis.py \
	--distributed -d 0-7 --rank $2 --word_size $1  \
  	--exp_file SimDis/exps/arxiv/base_exp_simDis.py \
	--optimizer LARS --syncBN --epochs 1000 \ 
  	--method SimDis_off \
  	--model_s resnet18.s_dv.sema_sv.sema_dv.t_sv.t_dv.tema_sv.tema_dv \
	--model_t resnet50.ttemadv \
  	--offline \
  	--offline_resume path_to_teacher/teacher_ckpt.pth.tar

Online Distillation Baseline

Train Teacher and Student simultaneously

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8	--nnodes=$1 --node_rank=$2 SimDis/tools/run_SimDis.py \
	--distributed -d 0-7 --rank $2 --word_size $1  \
  	--exp_file SimDis/exps/arxiv/base_exp_simDis.py \
	--optimizer LARS --syncBN --epochs 1000 \
  	--method SimDis_on \
  	--model_s resnet18.s_dv.sema_sv.sema_dv.t_sv.t_dv.tema_sv.tema_dv \
	--model_t resnet50.ttemadv

Note: the choice for the argument 'model_s':
2v: resnet18.sema_dv.tema_dv
7v: resnet18.s_dv.sema_sv.sema_dv.t_sv.t_dv.tema_sv.tema_dv

Linear Evaluation

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8	--nnodes=$1 --node_rank=$2 SimDis/tools/run_SimDis.py \
	--distributed -d 0-7 --rank $2 --word_size $1  \
  	--exp_file SimDis/exps/arxiv/linear_eval_exp_simDis.py \
	--optimizer LARS --syncBN \
  	--method SimDis_linear \
  	--model_s resnet18.s_dv.sema_sv.sema_dv.t_sv.t_dv.tema_sv.tema_dv \
	--linear \

Contact: jindong.gu@outlook.com

Acknowledgements and Reference: Our Code is based on the following git repo: https://github.com/zengarden/momentum2-teacher