Provided by SiEPIC Kits Ltd.
A Python (v3.6.5) package that provides a set of basic functions commonly used by the UBC photonics group.
- calibrate
Calibrates an input spectrum response with respect to another input response. Example
- calibrate_envelope
Calibrates an input spectrum response with respect to the envelope of another input response. This is useful for calibrating non-periodic responses using another non-periodic response. i.e. calibrating the reflection port spectrum of a Bragg response using its through port spectrum. Example
- baseline_correction
Calibrates an input response with respect to it's baseline. This is useful for calibrating periodic responses, using their own response as a reference, i.e. a ring resonator response or a mach-zehnder interferometer response. Example
- cutback
Extrapolate the losses of different input data files losses using the cutback method. Example
- to_s_params
Converts the input data to generate a .dat file compatible with Lumerical INTERCONNECT's N-port s-parameter file format. Example
- download_response
Downloads a .mat response (Caverley's pyoptomip format) from a url and parses data into a variable. Example
- EM_solver
Eigenmode solver for a 2D waveguide structure.
- RAMZI_Modulators
Ring-assisted Mach-Zehnder Interferometer-based modulators designer. Example
- Ring_Designer
Microrings designer: model N-order rings system spectrum. Example
- MZI_simulator
Simulate the spectrum of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with different input parameters. Example
- Bragg_TMM
Model the response of a Bragg grating based on the transfer matrix method (TMM). Example
- Bragg_CMT
Model the response of a Bragg grating based on the coupled-mode theory (CMT). Example
Fully automated, Lumerical-assisted flow to model the response of a contra-directional coupler based on a coupled-mode theory (CMT) and transfer matrix method. Example (run
- Stage control
- Keithly 2602B
- Agilent OSA
- Integrate Jupyter Notebook
- Add PCM analysis script