
rOpenSci Software Peer Review of community-contributed packages

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rOpenSci Software Peer Review

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Thank you for considering submitting your package to the rOpenSci suite. All the packages contributed by community members go through a process of open peer review to ensure a consistent level of quality for our users. This process also allows us to ensure that your package meets our guidelines and provides opportunity for discussion where exceptions are requested.

This README is a short intro to Software Peer Review for you as a potential author or reviewer. For more information, consult our gitbook “rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review”.

Our code of conduct is mandatory for everyone involved in our review process.

Why and how submit your package to rOpenSci?

  • First, and foremost, we hope you submit your package for review because you value the feedback. We aim to provide useful feedback to package authors and for our review process to be open, non-adversarial, and focused on improving software quality.
  • Once aboard, your package will continue to receive support from rOpenSci members. You’ll retain ownership and control of of your package, but we can help with ongoing maintenance issues such as those associated with updates to R and dependencies and CRAN policies.
  • rOpenSci will promote your package through our web page, blog, and social media. Packages in our suite are also distributed via our drat repository and Docker images, and listed in our task views.
  • rOpenSci packages can be cross-listed with other repositories such as CRAN and BioConductor.
  • rOpenSci packages that contain a short accompanying paper can, after review, be automatically submitted to the Journal of Open-Source Software for fast-tracked publication.

If you want to submit a package, read our guide for authors before opening a submission issue in this repository.

Why and how to review packages for rOpenSci?

  • As in any peer-review process, we hope you choose to review to give back to the rOpenSci and scientific communities. Our mission to expand access to scientific data and promote a culture of reproducible research is only possible through the volunteer efforts of community members like you.
  • Review is a two-way conversation. By reviewing packages, you’ll have the chance to continue to learn development practices from authors and other reviewers.
  • The open nature of our review process allows you to network and meet colleagues and collaborators through the review process. Our community is friendly and filled with supportive members expert in R development and many other areas of science and scientific computing.

To volunteer to be one of our reviewers, just click here to fill out a short form providing your contact information and areas or expertise. We are always looking for more reviewers with both general package-writing experience and domain expertise in the fields packages are used for.

Please also read our guide for reviewers.

Further resources

Our gitbook “rOpenSci Packages: Development, Maintenance, and Peer Review” also includes:

Our review process is always in development, and we encourage feedback and discussion on how to improve the process on our forum and in the ropensci/software-review-meta issue tracker.

Editors and reviewers

Associate editors

rOpenSci’s Software Peer Review process is run by:


We are grateful to the following individuals who have offered up their time and expertise to review packages submitted to rOpenSci.

Toph Allen · Alison Appling · Zebulun Arendsee · Taylor Arnold · Dean Attali · Mara Averick · Suzan Baert · James Balamuta · David Bapst · Joëlle Barido-Sottani · Cale Basaraba · John Baumgartner · Marcus Beck · Gabe Becker · Jason Becker · Dom Bennett · Kenneth Benoit · Aaron Berdanier · Carl Boettiger · Ben Bond-Lamberty · Alison Boyer · Jenny Bryan · Lorenzo Busetto · Jorge Cimentada · Jon Clayden · Will Cornwell · Ildiko Czeller · Laura DeCicco · Christophe Dervieux · Amanda Dobbyn · Jasmine Dumas · Remko Duursma · Mark Edmondson · Paul Egeler · Evan Eskew · Manuel Fernandez · Rich FitzJohn · Robert Flight · Zachary Foster · Auriel Fournier · Carl Ganz · Duncan Garmonsway · Sharla Gelfand · Duncan Gillespie · David Gohel · Laura Graham · Charles Gray · Corinna Gries · Julia Gustavsen · W Kyle Hamilton · Ivan Hanigan · Jeff Hanson · Ted Hart · Nujcharee Haswell · Verena Haunschmid · Rafael Pilliard Hellwig · Bea Hernandez · Jim Hester · Peter Hickey · Roel M. Hogervorst · Jeff Hollister · Kelly Hondula · Sean Hughes · Brandon Hurr · Najko Jahn · Tamora D James · Max Joseph · Soumya Kalra · Michael Kane · Andee Kaplan · Hazel Kavılı · Os Keyes · Michael Koontz · Bianca Kramer · Anna Krystalli · Will Landau · Erin LeDell · Thomas Leeper · Stephanie Locke · Robin Lovelace · Julia Stewart Lowndes · Tim Lucas · Andrew MacDonald · Jesse Maegan · Tristan Mahr · Ben Marwick · Miles McBain · Lucy D’Agostino McGowan · Amelia McNamara · Elaine McVey · Bryce Mecum · Francois Michonneau · Jessica Minnier · Priscilla Minotti · Paula Moraga · Ross Mounce · Lincoln Mullen · Matt Mulvahill · Dillon Niederhut · Jakub Nowosad · Daniel Nüst · Paul Oldham · Jeroen Ooms · Philipp Ottolinger · Mark Padgham · Marina Papadopoulou · Edzer Pebesma · Thomas Lin Pedersen · Etienne Racine · Nistara Randhawa · David Ranzolin · Neal Richardson · Emily Riederer · tyler rinker · Emily Robinson · Bob Rudis · Edgar Ruiz · Kent Russel · Francisco Rodriguez Sanchez · Alicia Schep · Marco Sciaini · Heidi Seibold · Julia Silge · Margaret Siple · Peter Slaughter · Mike Smith · Tuija Sonkkila · Gaurav Sood · Adam Sparks · Joseph Stachelek · Irene Steves · Michael Sumner · Sarah Supp · Filipe Teixeira · Andy Teucher · Jennifer Thompson · Joe Thorley · Tiffany Timbers · Tim Trice · Ted Underwood · Kevin Ushey · Josef Uyeda · Frans van Dunné · Remi Vergnon · Claudia Vitolo · Ben Ward · Elin Waring · Rachel Warnock · Leah Wasser · Stefan Widgren · Luke Winslow · David Winter · Kara Woo · Lauren Yamane · Taras Zakharko · Hao Zhu · Chava Zibman · Naupaka Zimmerman