Two-Branch Neural Networks


  • Train a model from scratch: Set the path to the training dataset and checkpoint save directory in Run sh --train.
  • Evaluate a model on the validation set while training: Set the path to validation dataset and checkpoint save directory. Additionally, adjust the time interval between each evaluation in By default, the script will evaluate once per minute on the newest checkpoint in the given checkpoint directory. Run sh --val.
  • Evaluate a model on a specific checkpoint: Set the path to the test dataset and checkpoint MetaGraph (.meta file). Run sh --test.
  • Use a pre-trained model: Download checkpoints from the URLs below. Follow the instruction for evaluating model on a specific checkpoint.


Due to the size of the features (~17G for MSCOCO and 7G for Flickr30K), only the test split is available for download.

Pre-trained models:

To-Do list:

  • phrase localiztaion code (by early Jan)

If you find our code helpful, please cite our Two-Branch Network Papers:

@inproceedings{wang2016learning, title={Learning deep structure-preserving image-text embeddings}, author={Wang, Liwei and Li, Yin and Lazebnik, Svetlana}, booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition}, pages={5005--5013}, year={2016} }

@article{wang2017learning, title={Learning Two-Branch Neural Networks for Image-Text Matching Tasks}, author={Wang, Liwei and Li, Yin and Lazebnik, Svetlana}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.03470}, year={2017} }