- 0
Neuropixels 2.0 support
#60 opened by chris-angeloni - 4
wrong probe insertion coordinates
#38 opened by KacperKon - 2
Proccessed atlas, the I-P dimension are flliped when perfroming triangulations
#55 opened by David-Omer - 1
Can't export probe information
#49 opened by MDrueke - 1
Unable to track probes without fixed lengths
#59 opened by wonicorn - 2
Understanding vis_data dictionary
#58 opened by RejwanSalih - 13
Unable to download Allen Mice Atlas
#25 opened by LeoJuh - 20
Unable to view multiple scenes from .czi file
#56 opened by wonicorn - 2
Cannot see layers after load a proyect
#53 opened by Gfernandezv - 23
- 3
- 7
Unable to load Allen Brain Atalas
#50 opened by Chenyue-Doris - 9
confusion about coordinates
#43 opened by chongtianyifa - 7
Unable to save project with virus objects
#37 opened by nataliekoh - 5
Saving transformation/registration points
#44 opened by nataliekoh - 6
Bregma definition
#33 opened by arturoptophys - 5
- 4
- 0
Unable to see Linear Silicon probe designer
#47 opened by Irina8880 - 5
Delete anchor points during atlas alignment
#42 opened by shunnnli - 2
get brain region acronym per recording site
#41 opened by aeazraoui - 1
Error when merging probes
#36 opened by nataliekoh - 1
Extracting probe information
#35 opened by nataliekoh - 1
Possibility of running HERBS via a GPU
#18 opened by JHartig - 3
Exporting data and figures
#20 opened by vncntprvst - 3
How can I fix the rotation(yaw and pitch direction) I chose when I scroll along coronal sections?
#34 opened by yqwang1 - 6
Error in probe info
#30 opened by mwawra - 10
#21 opened by vncntprvst - 3
- 7
Unable to load project with cell object
#28 opened by mwawra - 3
Error when "merging" a single piece of a drawing
#27 opened by mwawra - 9
- 14
Unable to load histology image
#8 opened by ishiangoli - 2
Usability: Sliders in "Atlasing Controller" only work if the sliders themself are moved, not if you click in the sliders range.
#17 opened by mwawra - 1
Probe data not exported
#15 opened by torbenott - 2
Probe does not show in GUI
#14 opened by torbenott - 9
Issue downloading Allen mice atlas
#12 opened by dcupolillo - 28
Project does not load
#16 opened by torbenott - 12
- 5
Can't install on Windows 11 with python>3.8
#4 opened by mwawra - 9
- 2
- 11