
UofT STA414 Assignment 0

Primary LanguageJulia

Assignment 0

Due: 11:59pm Friday, Jan 24

This is the repository for assignment 0. It contains the following files:

  • .gitignore - tells git to ignore certain kinds of files. This prevents you from submitting the auxiliary files created when producing LaTeX documents.
  • A0.jmd - the source code used to generate the assignment document, including examples of starter Julia code you may use for your own solutions. Feel free to fill in your answers directly into this file to produce your pdf writeup. Also feel free to try a more traditional workflow by writing your final writeup in a LaTeX .tex document, and completing your code in a standard Julia .jl file, or translate the starter code into a python .py.
  • A0.pdf - the text of the assignment.
  • Project.toml - the Julia environment, specifying packages and versions you can use to complete the programming questions. You can activate this environment by opening this project folder, and inside the Julia REPL typing: ] activate .
  • README.md - the text you are currently reading.
  • make_pdf.jl - a short Julia script that contains the code used to produce A0.pdf from A0.jmd.

CR to UofT STA414 Teaching staffs, instructor David Duvenaud and Jesse Bettencourt. Great experience learning with you guys! Cheers!