
Jinheon Baek, Soyeong Jeong, Gold Medal (First Prize), Graduation Project Competition, Computer Science & Engineering, Korea University

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Graduation Competition

This repositiory stores materials for the graduation competition project at Spring semester, 2019.
The host of the graduation competition project is the College of Computer Science & Engineering, Korea University.
This projects is worked by Jinheon Baek and Soyeong Jeong, CSE students at Korea University.
The advisers for this project were Donghyeon Park and Jaewoo Kang, DMIS Research Group, Korea University.


We participated in two works (The first one is our main work and the second one is sub-part project that we do not have main contribution at much) and all of our projects are accepted at a below each conference.

  1. Embedding Academic Majors and Lectures for Analyzing Departments in University, KCC 2019.
  2. Predicting and Recommending Food Ingredient Pairings using Siamese Neural Networks, IJCAI 2019.

We are the winner (first prize)

From this works, we (Jinheon Baek and Soyeong Jeong) got first prize at the Graduation Competition.


The contents this repositiory holds are as follows.
Most of the contents published are in Korean.

  1. Final Report
  2. Poster


We build and maintain two websites that are one of our main contributions.

  1. For the first project, MajorMap
  2. For the second project, KitcheNette


This repository is unavoidably open, since we are supported by IITP.
If you have any question, feel free to contact us (jinheon97@korea.ac.kr).