Official Code Repository for Knowledge-Augmented Language Model Verification (EMNLP 2023)

Primary LanguagePython

Knowledge-Augmented Language Model Verification

Official Code Repository for the paper - Knowledge-Augmented Language Model Verification (EMNLP 2023): https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.12836.


  • Python 3.8.16
  • PyTorch 2.0.0
  • transformers 4.28.1


Run the command below, in order to preprocess the datasets for open-domain question answering (e.g., NaturalQuestions and HotpotQA).

$ python ./preprocess/process_odqa.py

Note that, for the knowledge-graph question answering datasets (e.g., WebQSP and Mintaka), please download them using the following link: https://1drv.ms/f/s!Aj5JerV8SMDyi-tJ5QOlll_ksf1fRA?e=6HOmI2, and then put them in the dataset folder (e.g., ./datasets/webq for WebQSP or ./datasets/mintaka for Mintaka).


The following command line runs the experiments for our KALMV on both NaturalQuestions and HotpotQA datasets. The experiments were conducted on a GPU with at least 24 GB of memory

$ sh ./scripts/odqa_run.sh

The following command line runs the experiments for our KALMV on both WebQuestions and Mintaka datasets. The experiments were conducted on a GPU with at least 24 GB of memory

$ sh ./scripts/kgqa_run.sh


The following command line evalulates the runned experiments (by the above command) for our KALMV on both NaturalQuestions and HotpotQA datasets.

$ sh ./scripts/odqa_eval.sh

The following command line evalulates the runned experiments (by the above command) for our KALMV on both WebQuestions and Mintaka datasets.

$ sh ./scripts/kgqa_eval.sh