
A not-so-static site boilerplate.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

🍉 HyperStatic

A not-so-static site boilerplate:

  • Create React App for simplicity
  • Styled Components for component-based css
  • React Router for routing (v4)
  • React Helmet for document titles, descriptions, meta
  • React Snapshot for pre-rendering to static html so it works without Javascript ⭐️

Netlify Status Standard - JavaScript Style Guide
Deploy to Netlify

Get going

git clone https://github.com/jinksi/hyperstatic.git
cd hyperstatic
yarn install
yarn start


yarn build

This will generate static html files for each route into the ./build directory. Ready for deployment!


Originally forked from superhighfives/an-almost-static-stack. Check this out if you want a similar starting point for your own project.

Bootstrapped with Create React App.