
Tweak maven 2.2.1 for my personal needs, e.g. colourful output.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Bootstrapping Maven

Set the environment variable M2_HOME pointing to the dir where you want Maven2 installed.

NOTE: presently, the directory {M2_HOME}/bin must be in your path:
set PATH=%PATH%;%M2_HOME%\bin
export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin

In addition, the last part of the M2_HOME path MUST be of the form maven-$version, eg:

You can set the parameters passed to the Java VM when running Maven2 bootstrap,
setting the environment variable MAVEN_OPTS, e.g.
e.g. to run in offline mode, set MAVEN_OPTS=-o

Then run `ant`.

NOTE: You must run these instructions from this directory!

If you are behind a firewall, you will need to let the bootstrap process know.
To do this, create a file at ~/.m2/settings.xml and paste in the XML below,
substituting your settings for those provided. You can safely skip the
username, password and nonProxyHost elements if they are not relevant to you.
