
Type safe Bundle for Android development

Primary LanguageKotlinApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CircleCI Maven Central

A type safe Bundle for Android development.

Bundle is essential component in Android development from Day 1, but the flexible key-value structure don't limiting us from put a String and get an Int back with same key (and which will cause crash not compile error). This library is aimed to transform the plain String key into a type based class (such as StringKey or IntKey in below example) to align the type usage on both get and set side. And the wrapper class (StringKey or IntKey for example) will be replace to actual String after compiled thanks to kotlin value class so no additional overhead.


dependencies {


val textKey = StringKey("SomeStringKey")
val intKey = IntKey("SomeIntKey")
val bundle = Bundle()

// Bundle usage
bundle[textKey] = "Some text"         // only String value is allowed
bundle[intKey] = 12345                // only Int value is allowed

val text = bundle.get(textKey, "")    // guarantee result to be a String
val text = bundle[textKey]            // guarantee result to be a String?
val int = bundle.get(intKey, -1)      // guarantee result to be an Int
val int = bundle[intKey]              // guarantee result to be an Int

// Intent usage
intent.putExtra(textKey, "Some text") // only String value is allowed
intent.putExtra(intKey, 12345)        // only Int value is allowed

val text = intent.getExtra(textKey)   // guarantee result to be a String?  
val int = intent.getExtra(intKey, -1) // guarantee result to be an Int

You can go to ./app module for more information.


TypedBundle is released under Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.