
jgit is a command line tool to help you manage multiple separate git-base project in local file system.

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jgit is a command line tool to help you manage multiple separate git base project in local file system. You can execute command all at once like jgit status jgit fetch jgit pull or any other command you want.


Just install it by gem:

$ sudo gem install jgit


The most commonly used command:

$ jgit add <path> <name> [-g GROUP]              # add new project
$ jgit list [-g GROUP]                           # list all projects, alias: ls
$ jgit remove <name> [-g GROUP]                  # remove project, alias: rm
$ jgit group [COMMAND]                           # group management
$ jgit chgrp <name>                              # change default group
$ jgit rename <name> <new_name> [-g GROUP]       # rename project, alias: rn

You can use same command like git:

$ jgit commit [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]            # git commit on given project, alias: co
$ jgit fetch [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]             # git fetch on given project
$ jgit pull [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]              # git pull on given project
$ jgit push [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]              # git push on given project
$ jgit status [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]            # git status on given project, alias: st

Or direct exec command:

$ jgit exe <command...> [-g GROUP] [-p PROJECT]  # exec command on given project

See jgit help or jgit help <command> for more information.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/Jintin/jgit.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.