
used for fsds coding ddl in 1219

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used for fsds coding ddl in 1219

basic info

topic 2: Impact of Airbnb on London’s Tourism Economy — this would look at the distribution of London’s tourism venues and, possibly, hotels alongside Airbnb listings in order to evaluate the extent to which tourism ‘dollars’ might be spent in ways that positively impact less tourist-oriented areas if we assume (again, detail the assumptions) that some percentage of a tourist’s dollars are spent locally in an area. Again, there may be models developed elsewhere that could be adapted for the London context.

Airbnb 对伦敦旅游经济的影响--这将考察伦敦旅游景点的分布情况,可能的话,还将考察酒店与 Airbnb 房源的分布情况,以评估如果我们假设(我们需要 细化或定义上述假设—成为我们的假设)游客的钱有一定比例在当地消费,那么旅游 "钱 "的消费方式可能会对游客较少的地区产生积极影响的程度。同样,其他地方也可能有适合伦敦情况的模式。

useful website

FSDS GroupWork assignment: https://jreades.github.io/fsds/assessments/group.html airbnb: http://insideairbnb.com/get-the-data/

ddl 截止日期 12.19