Weather App


This ReactJS web app displays weather details of different cities and allows users to search for the weather details of a particular city.

View Demo;


The app includes the following functionalities:

Get Weather

  • Clicking the "Get Weather" button fetches weather data for each city in the "City list" table.
  • The app highlights the current city being processed.
  • Weather data is fetched from the API and displayed in the "Details" table.

Edit Description

  • The Description field in the "Details" table is editable by the user.
  • Users can modify the description for each city's weather data.

Delete Row

  • Clicking the Delete button removes the corresponding row from the "Details" table.
  • The table data is updated accordingly in the dictionary/JS object.


  • Users can enter a city name in the search input box.
  • Clicking the Search button highlights the corresponding row in the "Details" table (if present) in yellow color for 3 seconds.


Home Page

home page images


To run the app, clone the repository and install the required dependencies using npm:

git clone
cd weather_app
npm install

Running the App

Run the app using npm:

npm start

The app will be available at http://localhost:3000 in your browser.