We are creating a React Native app named ClubSpot that would help students find a club that suits their identities. The app will support functionalities such as search for new club, join a club, create events, and messaging.
This React Native app uses Expo managed workflow with Google Firebase as backend. The user needs to have a valid admin Gmail address or a Northwestern Gmail address in order to login.
- Category: Service
- Mobile: This app would be developed for both android and IOS using Rect Native.
- Story: The application allows you to search for new club, join a club, create events, and messaging. User Data is pushed to the application and processed into an easily digestible form for users.
- Market: People who want to form good habits with other people.
- Habit: This app would ideally be used at least once a day
Name |
Haley Hooper |
Patrick Pei |
Daniel Bang |
Jake Rogers |
Jipeng Sun |
Tony Bayvas |
Caroline Lobel |
Required Must-have Stories
- User can search clubs based on criteria
- User can post announcements to club members
- User can update club information and photo
- User can see how many club members joined
Optional Nice-have Stories
- User can message friends/groups in the same club
- User can create and view club events that are happening on or near campus
- Login
- My Club
- Choose Club Event
- Club Announcement
- Club Details
- Club Home
- Create Announcement
- Create Event
- Event Map
- Group Chat
- Profile
Stack Navigation (Screen to Screen)
Tab Navigation (bottom tabs)
git pull everything in this repository. Then...
npm install --global expo-cli
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
You should be good to go.
The package.json has been tested to be issue-free.
If any issue occurs, always try to remove node_modules and package-lock.json and npm install first. If the issue does not resolve, try the following steps. The following steps would be the last you want to try.
DO NOT use npm install or npm remove individual components unless you are adding dependency to the project. Otherwise, it will break the package.json and leaves issues for others when they pulled.
The following steps should resolve installation issues 99% of the time.**
rm -r node_modules
rm package-lock.json
git pull
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
Remove only node_modules is not enough, remove package-lock.json as well because package-lock.json is customized for individual devices.
If this fails to resolve the issue, then follow the following steps.
Unable to resolve module 'react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view'
This is a new dependency. Be sure to remove node_modules and package-lock.json and npm install before using the following step.
npm install --save react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view
You should not have this issue if you have removed both node_modules and package-lock.json before npm install.
Unable to resolve module 'react-native-gesture-handler'
npm install react-native-gesture-handler
Expo should already included react-native-gesture-handler. You can check this with:
npm list react-native-gesture-handler
The react-native-gesture-handler comes with expo. There should be no separate react-native-gesture-handler in your package.json. Otherwise, the following error will appear. This issue should not appear if you have the up-to-date package.json.
Tried to register two views with the same name RNGestureHandlerButton
rm -r node_modules
rm package-lock.json
git pull
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
If the issue persist,
rm -r node_modules/expo/node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler
Go to https://console.firebase.google.com/u/0/ and create an account.
Create a new project with hosting and database capabilities.
Install the following 2 packages:
npm install -g firebase-tools
expo install firebase (if on Windows, run npm install firebase instead)
Then in your command line, you will create the configuration files to tell Firebase where to deploy your code. Run:
firebase init
This will prompt you with several questions:
- Select "Use existing project" and then select the project you just created from the list that appears
- Select only DATABASE and HOSTING
- When it asks you where the web code is, enter WEB-BUILD
- When it asks if this is a single page app, say YES
- When it asks if you want Github integration, say NO
- Hit return to give the default answers for all other questions
Next, go to your project app settings on the Firebase console, and scroll down to "Your apps".
Select "config" in the SDK setup and configuration options, and copy the code that appears into the file "firebase.js", replacing ALL existing code in the file.
Next, go to the "database" tab on Firebase console. In the top right corner, click "import JSON".
Upload the "final_clubspot_json.json" file to load all existing club data.
You can also use the built-in CI/CD option to allow automatic build and deployment to firebase as well.
In order for the address autocomplete to work when creating an event you must add a google maps API key in event map page
Go to https://developers.google.com/maps and follow steps to get API key
In the file screens/createEventPage.js, on line 154, replace 'REPLACE WITH YOUR OWN GOOGLE MAPS API KEY' with your google maps API key Example:
key: 'ABCDWYGJG1373GHJ13732'
Enter the directory in your command line environment and run:
expo start
Enter the directory in your command line environment and run:
expo build:web
firebase deploy