
100% Private & Simple. OSS 🐍 Code Interpreter for LLMs 🦙

Primary LanguageCSS


A simple and 100% Local, Open-Source Code 🐍 Interpreter for 🦙 LLMs

Baby Llama is:

  • powered by Llama.cpp
  • extremly SIMPLE & 100% LOCAL

Screenshot 2023-08-13 at 1 44 53 PM

Leveraging (open source gguf models)[https://huggingface.co/models?search=gguf] and powered by llama.cpp this project is a humble foundation for enabling LLMs to act as Code Interpreters.

🏗️ Architecture (in a nutshell)

  • 🖥️ Backend: Python Flask (CORS for serving both the API and the HTML).
  • 🌐 Frontend: HTML/JS/CSS (I'm not a frontend dev but gave it my best shot-- prolly tons of issues).
  • ⚙️ Engine: Llama.cpp: An inference library for ggml/gguf models).
  • 🧠 Model: (GGUF)[https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp#description] format (replacing the retired ggml format).

🦙 Features

  • 🎊 Confetti:3
  • 💬 Contextual Conversations: Models are augmented with the ongoing context of the conversation-- allowing them to remember and refer back to previous parts of it.
  • 🔄 Dynamic Code Interaction: Copy, Diff, Edit, Save and Run the generated Python scripts right from the chat.
  • 🐞 Auto-Debugging & 🏃 Auto-Run: Allow the model to automatically debug and execute any attempts at fixing issue on the fly (it will die trying).
  • 📊 Inference & Performance Metrics: Stay informed about how fast the model is processing your requests and tally the successful vs failed script executions.
  • ❓ Random Prompts: Not sure what to ask? Click the "Rand" button to randomly pick from a pre-defined prompt list!

🚀 Getting Started

  • Clone the repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/itsPreto/baby-code
  • Navigate to the llama.cpp submodule:
cd baby-code/llama.cpp
  • Install the required libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Then repeat the same for the root project:
cd baby-code && pip install -r requirements.txt

💾 Model Download

  • The 7B Llama-2 based model TheBloke/WizardCoder-Python-13B-V1.0-GGUF is a model fine-tuned by a kind redditor
  • You may also download any other models supported by llama.cpp, of any parameter size of your choosing.
  • Keep in mind that the paramters might need to be tuned for your specific case:


  • This project is dependent on its submodule llama.cpp and relies on its successful build.

  • Please refer to their original build setup to setup on your specific OS.

🧠 Model Config

Load up your chosen model gguf for local inference using CPU or GPU by simply placing it in the llama.cpp/models folder and edit the baby_code.py init config below:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Run the external command
    server_process = subprocess.Popen(
        ["./llama.cpp/server", "-m", "./llama.cpp/models/wizardcoder-python-13b-v1.0.Q5_K_M.gguf", "-c", "1024",
         "-ngl", "1", "--path", "."])
    # Pause for 5 seconds
    app.run(args.host, port=args.port)

You may also want to customize & configure the flask server at the top of the file, like so:

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="An example of using server.cpp with a similar API to OAI. It must be used together with server.cpp.")
parser.add_argument("--stop", type=str, help="the end of response in chat completions(default: '</s>')", default="</s>")
parser.add_argument("--llama-api", type=str, help="Set the address of server.cpp in llama.cpp(default:", default='')
parser.add_argument("--api-key", type=str, help="Set the api key to allow only few user(default: NULL)", default="")
parser.add_argument("--host", type=str, help="Set the ip address to listen.(default:", default='')
parser.add_argument("--port", type=int, help="Set the port to listen.(default: 8081)", default=8081)

🏃‍♀️ Run it

  • From the project root simply run:
python3 baby_code.py

The server.cpp will be served to by default, while the the Flask (baby_code.py) currently listens on port 8081.

🌐 Endpoints

  • POST /completion: Given a prompt, it returns the predicted completion.


    temperature: Adjust the randomness of the generated text (default: 0.8).

    top_k: Limit the next token selection to the K most probable tokens (default: 40).

    top_p: Limit the next token selection to a subset of tokens with a cumulative probability above a threshold P (default: 0.9).

    n_predict: Set the number of tokens to predict when generating text. Note: May exceed the set limit slightly if the last token is a partial multibyte character. When 0, no tokens will be generated but the prompt is evaluated into the cache. (default: 128, -1 = infinity).

    n_keep: Specify the number of tokens from the initial prompt to retain when the model resets its internal context. By default, this value is set to 0 (meaning no tokens are kept). Use -1 to retain all tokens from the initial prompt.

    stream: It allows receiving each predicted token in real-time instead of waiting for the completion to finish. To enable this, set to true.

    prompt: Provide a prompt. Internally, the prompt is compared, and it detects if a part has already been evaluated, and the remaining part will be evaluate. A space is inserted in the front like main.cpp does.

    stop: Specify a JSON array of stopping strings. These words will not be included in the completion, so make sure to add them to the prompt for the next iteration (default: []).

    tfs_z: Enable tail free sampling with parameter z (default: 1.0, 1.0 = disabled).

    typical_p: Enable locally typical sampling with parameter p (default: 1.0, 1.0 = disabled).

    repeat_penalty: Control the repetition of token sequences in the generated text (default: 1.1).

    repeat_last_n: Last n tokens to consider for penalizing repetition (default: 64, 0 = disabled, -1 = ctx-size).

    penalize_nl: Penalize newline tokens when applying the repeat penalty (default: true).

    presence_penalty: Repeat alpha presence penalty (default: 0.0, 0.0 = disabled).

    frequency_penalty: Repeat alpha frequency penalty (default: 0.0, 0.0 = disabled);

    mirostat: Enable Mirostat sampling, controlling perplexity during text generation (default: 0, 0 = disabled, 1 = Mirostat, 2 = Mirostat 2.0).

    mirostat_tau: Set the Mirostat target entropy, parameter tau (default: 5.0).

    mirostat_eta: Set the Mirostat learning rate, parameter eta (default: 0.1).

    seed: Set the random number generator (RNG) seed (default: -1, -1 = random seed).

    ignore_eos: Ignore end of stream token and continue generating (default: false).

    logit_bias: Modify the likelihood of a token appearing in the generated text completion. For example, use "logit_bias": [[15043,1.0]] to increase the likelihood of the token 'Hello', or "logit_bias": [[15043,-1.0]] to decrease its likelihood. Setting the value to false, "logit_bias": [[15043,false]] ensures that the token Hello is never produced (default: []).

  • POST /tokenize: [NOT YET EXPOSED THROUGH baby-code.py] Tokenize a given text.


    content: Set the text to tokenize.

    Note that the special BOS token is not added in fron of the text and also a space character is not inserted automatically as it is for /completion.

  • POST /embedding: [NOT YET EXPOSED THROUGH baby-code.py] Generate embedding of a given text just as the embedding example does.


    content: Set the text to process.

  • POST /run_python_code: Attempt to sanitize, format and execute the python code provided. Yields the stderr/stdout.


    code: Python code (most likely generated by the llm).

🤝 Contributing

Contributions to this project are welcome. Please create a fork of the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. I'll be creating a few issues for feature tracking soon!!

ALSO~ If anyone would like to start a Discord channel and help me manage it that would be awesome

(I'm not on it that much).


This project is licensed under the MIT License.