My CMEE 2018-19 CourseWork Repository

Do I like this better? Yes, but it took a long time. I think during the furthur understanding, I will love it more.

Week1 to Week7 are courseworks of Intro week, Python week, R week, GIS week and Python2 week. Every directory contains Code, Data and Results. Assessment directory contains the feedback from Samraat, thanks to him.

HPCWeek directory contains the works from High Performance Computing week.

Miniproject directory contains the works on model fitting.

Textbooks includes the boos I read.

Code and Data Availability for thesis

Please see the MainProject file

Author Jiqiu Wu - Please feel free to email me when you find any problems or you just want to discuss something!

Acknowledgments Samraat Imperial College London Classmates in CMEE and QMEE