
Indego 350 custom component for Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePython

GitHub release


Home Assistant Custom Component for Bosch Indego Lawn Mower.

Adding sensor for position of mower and services for display mower in map


Create in your Homeassistant directory /config/custom_components/indego_map. Copy the folder custom/components/indego_map into your your Home Assistant /config/custom_components/indego_map.

How to install: Tutorial


Reboot HA in order to get HA to find the newly added custom component.


Add the domain to your configuration.yaml. Username, password and id (serial) is mandatory. Name (default = Indego) and polling (default = false) is optional.

  username: !secret indego_username
  password: !secret indego_password
  id:       !secret indego_id
  name:     Indego

Add your credentials used with Bosch Mower app (mail address, password and mower serial number) to your secrets.yaml:

indego_username: "name@mail.com"
indego_password: "mysecretpw"
indego_id:       "123456789"


For displaying map you will need AppDaemon and AppFramework. In AppFramework you will also find tutorial how to set up map in lovelace.

Map example


Base of component is copied from jm-73

Thanks to

Eduard Jumper78 dykandDK ultrasub Gnol86 naethan bekkm onkelfarmor ltjessem nsimb jjandersson Shamshala nath bekkm urbatecte

Inspiration from http://grauonline.de/wordpress/?page_id=219

Inspiration from https://github.com/jofleck/iot-device-bosch-indego-controller