
Collection of python scripts that help automate obtaining daily rewards.

Primary LanguagePython


Collection of python scripts that help automate obtaining daily rewards.


  • requests library
  • python2+
  • account created on hellcase

editing config files

Before using any of these scripts you must edit config.json file

  • "xsrf" is a token that is obtained from XSRF-TOKEN cookie from your browser, it doesn't need to be replaced every so often
  • "session" is a session token that can be obtained from hellcase_session cookie, it must be replaced every session closage or 30 days

obtaining tokens from cookies

To obtain tokens needed in config.json you should:

  • go to hellcase.com
  • login via steam link
  • press F12 when on main page of hellcase
  • go down into data section
  • search for cookies at https://hellcase.com
  • copy values from browser into config.json file Some values need to be replaced every so often.

usage of scripts

My preffered way of using these scripts is to set up crohntab job every 1450 mins (24h + 10min). You can use raspberrypi or anything else that supports python, personally i'm using ASUS RT-N18U with Advanced Tomato + USB Stick containing files.