This project was forked(-ish) from pixel2svg by Florian Berger (2011), which converts an image file into an svg with a 'rect' for every pixel.
I wanted to make a version of this that merges all pixels that are the same colour, so that e.g. for an all-white pixel icon you'll just get 1 path instead of hundreds of <rect>s.
So that's what I did, making use of mmgp's StackOverflow post as the powerhouse that converts a bunch of squares to the outlines of a shape.
And upgraded old stuff to Python 3 & added a nice short&sweet batch script so you can easily run this in bulk for an array of image files.

How to use (Windows)

  • Have Python 3 + PIP installed
  • Run (the commands in) setup.bat
  • Throw some image files into the convert folder
  • Run execute.bat to get them all converted to svg (these files will be output into the same folder)
    • Within execute.bat you can also edit the square size value: this is 1 pixel by default (in other words, no scaling happening) but can be adjusted here by just typing a new number.
    • Or you can manually call the pixel2svg file for 1 image file with python pixel2svg.py {path to image} --squaresize={your square size, default 40}