Hi there, I'm Sanjay

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👨🏻‍💻 About Me ✨ Ex-Software Engineer at LTI
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📝Curated Articles

I write regular blog posts, most of which you will find on my personal website <re/code> hive
Below are the few trending posts.👇
📘 GitHub Cheat sheet | Complete Tutorials
📒 Create a report using Google Data Studio
📙 Develop Google Assistant App from Scratch
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📚Recent Projects/Activity

Semi Supervised Sequence Learning - LSTM
Stack overflow Data Analysis of last 3 years.
Personal Portfolio page - Neomorphism Design
Opensource contributor @Legesher-translations.
Twitter Tweets Scrapping and Sentiment Analysis

  1. 🎉 Merged PR #1 in sanjay-kv/Twitter-Tweet-Analysis
  2. 🎉 Merged PR #4 in sanjay-kv/Web-Scrapping-Project
  3. 🎉 Merged PR #2 in sanjay-kv/Web-Scrapping-Project
  4. 🎉 Merged PR #1 in sanjay-kv/Web-Scrapping-Project
  5. 💪 Opened PR #6 in sanjay-kv/release-based-workflow

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