Air Ticket Booking

  • /api/register
    this is a POST method endpoint where user can enter the details and register with the Air ticket booking system. the data model of this endpoint is :
  _id: ObjectId,
  name: String,
  email: String,
  password: String

the status code of scuccessful response is 201

  • /api/login this is a POST method where user can login into the system and get athenticated to perform differect functionalities.Even though it is POST we are checking the credentials are matching and giving user a valid token. the data model of this endpoinr is :
  email: String,
  password: String

the status code of scuccessful response is 201

  • /api/flights This endpoint will return a list of all available flights. No authentication is needed to access this endpoint. This is a GET method. the status code of scuccessful response is 200.

  • /api/flights/:id this endpoint will return the details of a specific flight identified by its ID.This is GET method. the status code of scuccessful response is 200.

  • /api/flights This is a POST method, This endpoint will allow logged in users to add new flights to the system.

  _id: ObjectId,
  airline: String,
  flightNo: String,
  departure: String,
  arrival: String,
  departureTime: Date,
  arrivalTime: Date,
  seats: Number,
  price: Number,

the status code of scuccessful response is 201.

  • /api/flights/:id This is PATCH method, This endpoint will allow users who created the flight to update the details of a specific flight identified by its ID. the status code of scuccessful response is 204.

  • /api/flights/:id This is DELETE method, This endpoint will allow users who created the flight to delete the details of a specific flight identified by its ID. the status code of scuccessful response is 202.

  • /api/booking This is a POST method, This endpoint will allow logged in users to book any particular flight.

	 _id: ObjectId,
	 user : { type: ObjectId, ref: 'User' },
	 flight : { type: ObjectId, ref: 'Flight' }

the status code of scuccessful response is 201.

  • /api//api/dashboard This is GET method, This endpoint will list all the bookings so far with the logged in user and flight details. the status code of scuccessful response is 200.