Partial clone of official SATS-App
YHC3L Android course project done in a group of 5.
We were given the task to partially replicate the official SATS Training app based on mocks and specifications provided to us.
SATS is a Swedish training center and the app is meant to make it easier for customers to view their booked classes and find nearby centers.
Main parts where I contributed:
- Fine-tweaking the UI to make it match the mocks we were given without creating overly nested xml layout files.
- Realm Mobile Database integration and bug-fixing.
- Handling git version control setup and support for our team.
Libraries Used:
- Realm
- Ion
- StickyListHeaders
- Greenrobot Eventbus
- Google Play Services
Main features:
Detailed UI to show both past and future booked classes.
The top graph is showing the number of classes for each week. It is scrollable both left/right and if clicked will scroll the list below to the corresponding week.
Data is downloaded from SATS Public REST-API combined with dummy data from our own server. Then stored locally with Realm and updated if needed when new requests are made.
Map to look up nearby Sats Training Centers
Webview to show Training Center details