• Data Cleaning and Preparation:

    • Check for missing or inconsistent values in the dataset. [Beginner]
    • Convert appropriate columns to their correct data types. [Beginner]
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA):

    • Count and visualize the distribution of different genres (listed_in). [Beginner, Matplotlib]
    • Plot a pie chart to show the proportion of movies vs TV shows. [Beginner, Matplotlib]
    • Create a histogram to display the distribution of release years. [Beginner, Matplotlib]
  • Content Analysis:

    • Create a bar plot to show the top 10 directors by the number of shows/movies. [Intermediate, Matplotlib]
    • Visualize the distribution of countries by the number of shows/movies they produce. [Intermediate, Seaborn]
    • Plot a word cloud for the most common cast members. [Intermediate, WordCloud, Matplotlib]
  • Time Analysis:

    • Plot a line chart to show the trend of content added over the years. [Intermediate, Matplotlib]
    • Create a bar plot to display the number of shows/movies added per month. [Intermediate, Seaborn]
  • Ratings Analysis:

    • Create a count plot to visualize the distribution of ratings. [Intermediate, Seaborn]
    • Plot a bar chart to show the highest-rated shows/movies. [Intermediate, Matplotlib]
  • Duration Analysis:

    • Create a histogram or box plot to display the distribution of content duration. [Advanced, Matplotlib, Seaborn]
    • Explore the average duration of shows/movies using a violin plot. [Advanced, Seaborn]
  • Description Analysis:

    • Perform text analysis and create a word cloud for show/movie descriptions. [Advanced, WordCloud, Matplotlib]
    • Analyze sentiment in descriptions and visualize using a stacked bar chart. [Advanced, Seaborn]
  • Combination Analysis:

    • Create a heatmap to visualize combinations of genres. [Advanced, Seaborn]
    • Plot a grouped bar chart to display genre combinations and their frequency. [Advanced, Matplotlib]
  • Recommendation System:

    • Implement a basic content-based recommendation system based on genres. [Advanced]
  • User Engagement Analysis (Hypothetical):

    • Analyze user engagement data (e.g., views, likes) if available and visualize using appropriate plots. [Expert]
  • Sentiment Analysis (Hypothetical):

    • Perform sentiment analysis on user reviews or comments if available and visualize sentiment trends. [Expert]
  • Interactive Visualizations (Hypothetical):

    • Create interactive visualizations using Plotly or Bokeh to allow users to explore the dataset dynamically. [Expert, Plotly, Bokeh]
  • Custom Advanced Plots (Hypothetical):

    • Create custom advanced plots to showcase complex relationships and patterns in the data. [Expert, Matplotlib]
  • Comparative Analysis (Hypothetical):

    • Compare Netflix content statistics with other streaming platforms using appropriate visualizations. [Expert]