Handwritten generation from given text and randomly from given random seed
The implementation was done using tensorflow-gpu library with tensorflow version 1.8 and python 2.7.
in case of python package dependency, please follow requirement.txt
- to generate handwritting from given string text from trained model, use following command:
python handwritten_generation_from_text-test.py "model checkpoint directory" "text" "random seed" "file name to save strokes and text(in .pkl extension)"
- for training of handwritten generation from text use following command:
python handwritten_generation_from_text-train.py "model checkpoint directory to save checkpoints" "data_file_path"
- to randomly generate handwriting from trained model, use following command:
python handwritten_generation_randomly-test.py "model checkpoint directory" "timesteps" "random seed" "file name to save strokes(.npy)"
- to training model for genrating random handwritting , use followong command:
python handwritten_generation_randomly-train.py "model checkpoint directory to save checkpoints" "data_file_path"
- to see demo and handwrtting plotting refer demo.ipynb file