Eventkit-cloud is based on the HOT OSM Export Tool 2. It allows the user to select data from different sources to export into a variety of formats.
Eventkit-cloud requires Docker or Vagrant.
A setup guide for running docker in vagrant can be found in the windows setup guide.
Note: the RabbitMQ configuration provided here is the Official Docker version and is Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Docker, Inc.
After installing docker open an elevated shell/command prompt and enter:
git clone https://repo_server/repo_org/eventkit-cloud.git cd eventkit-cloud docker-compose run --rm eventkit python manage.py runinitial setup docker-compose up
In a different elevated shell/command prompt add the cloud.eventkit.dev to the hosts file:
On linux:
echo " cloud.eventkit.dev" > /etc/hosts
On windows:
echo " cloud.eventkit.dev" > "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
Then open a browser and navigate to http://cloud.eventkit.dev
The following are a few of the relevant environment variables that can be used to adjust how eventkit_cloud is configured.
You can set the hostname that the web server will respond and properly authenticate using SITE_NAME
Please make sure you have SITE_NAME environment variable set to cloud.eventkit.dev
in your shell or when you invoke docker-compose up
. If you are experiencing 302s or 403s when you attempt
login this is likely the culprit
If you want your export files to be stored on S3 rather than locally add:
USE_S3=True AWS_BUCKET_NAME='my-bucket' AWS_ACCESS_KEY='my-access-key' AWS_SECRET_KEY='my-secret-key'
To use your own database connection string add:
To reset the database:
docker volume rm eventkitcloud_postgis_database
docker-compose run --rm eventkit python manage.py runinitial setup
To specify which RabbitMQ instance to use add:
To configure the email address that will send out any error messages add:
EMAIL_HOST_USER='email@email.com' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='email-password'
To use your own instance of an Overpass API add:
OVERPASS_API_URL = 'my-overpass-site.com/api/interpreter'
To run tests:
docker-compose run --rm -e COVERAGE=True eventkit python manage.py test eventkit_cloud
If you need to change where export files are staged or downloaded you can add:
EXPORT_STAGING_ROOT='/path/to/staging/dir/' EXPORT_DOWNLOAD_ROOT='/path/to/download/dir/'
By default, the Eventkit webpack is configured for development, if you need to create bundle and vendor files for production run
docker-compose run --rm webpack npm run build