
Enhance LLM agents with versatile tool APIs

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Open in OpenXLab docs PyPI license

English | 简体中文


AgentLego is an open-source library of versatile tool APIs to extend and enhance large language model (LLM) based agents, with the following highlight features:

  • Rich set of tools for multimodal extensions of LLM agents including visual perception, image generation and editing, speech processing and visual-language reasoning, etc.
  • Flexible tool interface that allows users to easily extend custom tools with arbitrary types of arguments and outputs.
  • Easy integration with LLM-based agent frameworks like LangChain, Transformers Agents, Lagent.
  • Support tool serving and remote accessing, which is especially useful for tools with heavy ML models (e.g. ViT) or special environment requirements (e.g. GPU and CUDA).

Quick Starts


Install the AgentLego package

pip install agentlego

Install tool-specific dependencies

Some tools requires extra packages, please check the readme file of the tool, and confirm all requirements are satisfied.

For example, if we want to use the ImageDescription tool. We need to check the Set up section of readme and install the requirements.

pip install -U openmim
mim install -U mmpretrain

Use tools directly

from agentlego import list_tools, load_tool

print(list_tools())  # list tools in AgentLego

image_caption_tool = load_tool('ImageDescription', device='cuda')
image = './examples/demo.png'
caption = image_caption_tool(image)

Integrated into agent frameworks

Supported Tools

General ability

Speech related

Image-processing related

  • ImageDescription: Describe the input image.
  • OCR: Recognize the text from a photo.
  • VQA: Answer the question according to the image.
  • HumanBodyPose: Estimate the pose or keypoints of human in an image.
  • HumanFaceLandmark: Estimate the landmark or keypoints of human faces in an image.
  • ImageToCanny: Extract the edge image from an image.
  • ImageToDepth: Generate the depth image of an image.
  • ImageToScribble: Generate a sketch scribble of an image.
  • ObjectDetection: Detect all objects in the image.
  • TextToBbox: Detect specific objects described by the given text in the image.
  • Segment Anything series
    • SegmentAnything: Segment all items in the image.
    • SegmentObject: Segment the certain objects in the image according to the given object name.

AIGC related


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Users should also ensure compliance with the licenses governing the models used in this project.