
Performs homography transformation between two images, write in python

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is created to perform homography transformation between two images, including shifting, rescaling and rotation.

Can be used in many cases, while we focus more on a specific case of only cropping(shifting) from original image and then rescaling.

Required config(can be changed in config.py):

  • ROOT_PATH: root path of the input and output images
  • SEARCH_RADIUS: radius of searcing for best start and end point
  • MIN_MATCH_PAIRS: min match pairs needed for calculation

Required: python3, cv2


query_keypoints.jpg: keypoints of query image

train_keypoints.jpg: keypoints of train image

features_matching.jpg: features matching and localization of query and train image

result.jpg: calculate query image from train image, should be the same as the old query image

How to run:

  • Edit config.py for any paths/settings
  • run python main.py