This is a reservation system that contains the following roles:
The ADMIN can list all the users that exist in the database.
The CLIENT can view his reservations, the services he has booked, update his data and delete his user name.
The PROVIDER can make the CRUD on the service table so that it can manage the services it provides.
The RECEPTION can see the users by their id or name, can see the users that were added between certain dates, can do CRUD on the users and can manage all the reservations.
The Reservations service interface has this:
public interface IReservationService {
List<Reservations> findAll();
Optional<Reservations> findById(Long id);
List<IReservationsByUser> findByUserId(Long id);
List<IReservationsByUserName> findReservationsByUserName(String name);
List<IReservationsByServices> findByServiceName(Long id, String name);
List<IReservationsByStatus> findReservationsByStatus(reserveStatus status);
void save(Reservations reservation);
void update(UpdateReservation reservation);
void deleteById(Long id);
The Services service interface has this:
public interface IServicesService {
List<Services> findAll();
Optional<Services> findById(Long id);
List<Services> findByName(String name);
List<IServiceByCategory> findByCategory(String category);
List<IAvailableServices> findByAvailable(EAvailability available);
List<IServiceByLocations> findByLocation(String location);
List<IServiceByDuration> findByDuration(float duration);
List<IServiceByPrice> findByPriceLessThan(BigDecimal price);
void save(Services service);
void update(UpdateService service);
void deleteById(Long id);
The Users service interface has this:
public interface IUserService {
// list all
List<Users> findAll();
// Get user by id
Optional<Users> findById(Long id);
// Get reservations by id
List<UserReservationsList> findReservationsByUserId(Long id);
// Get Services Reserved by a User
List<ReservedServicesByUserList> findServicesReservedByUserId(Long id);
// Get Users with Pending Reservations
List<ReservationsPendingList> findUsersWithReservesPending();
// Get Registered Users in a Date Range
List<UsersByRangeDatesList> findUsersByRegistrationDateBetween(String startDate, String endDate);
// find by name
List<IUsersByName> findAllByName(String name);
// save
void save(Users user);
// update
void update(UpdateUser user);
// delete
void deleteById(Long id);
To run this project you have to have docker and docker-compose, be in the root of the project and run this command:
docker-compose up --build -d
If it is done in linux the command would be:
sudo docker-compose up --build -d