
Collection of hand-modified 5e.tools schemas for use with editors like VS Code.

5e Schemas

This is a collection of schemas for use when writing homebrew for 5e.tools. They help provide autocomplete when using big brain editors like VS Code (which you should use if you aren't).

Provides Warnings

Provides Suggestions

Provides Type Warnings



Inline JSON schema will give you a warning that the "$schema" property is invalid. That's because here it acts just like any other one. I don't recommend using inline JSON schemas. Instead, you should set up some workspace settings. See this for more info.


YAML inline properties work through comments, so these are a lot more usable. This shows all the different ways you can set them up.


All of these are slightly modified from the 5e.tools GitHub repo to avoid using $$merge, a custom preprocessor tag to allow for better JSON Schema inheritance. The ones in the repo can use this because the files are first passed through a script that actually evaluates them. Unfortunately, VS Code and pretty much anything else doesn't know how to do this, so I went in and replaced each $$merge with something functionally equivalent (I hope :)) ).