
Lab 4c for COMP 353 to create dynamic web content based off database values

Primary LanguagePython


Lab 4c for COMP 353 to create dynamic web content based off database values

How to


  • Your system must have MySQL or Mariadb running as a system process (and you must know the credentials to log in to it)
  • Your system must have Python installed with the following pip packages:
    • Flask
    • Flask-WTF
    • Flask-MySQLdb
    • Flask-SQLAlchemy
    • mysql
    • mysql-connector-python


  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/Jkotheimer/Python_SQLAlchemy_Project
  • Move into the project directory: cd Python_SQLAlchemy_Project
  • Create the database: ./exec_sql.sh (this script also takes .sql files as a parameter to execute)
    • (Optional) Add test values into the database: ./exec_sql.sh sql/test_insertions.sql
  • Start the server: python run.py
  • Visit the webpage at http://localhost:5000

Developer info

  • flask_app/routes.py

    • / & /home: The home page of the site - displays all projects and employees who work on them
    • /about: A general info page (not implemented)
    • /assign: A form to select an employee and a project from drop down boxes, assigning the employee to the given project
    • /employees: Display all employees and present a form to add a new employee
    • /employees/<ssn>: Get all info about the employee with the specified social security number
    • /projects: Display all projects and who is working on them
    • /projects/<ID>: Get all info about the project with the specified ID number
  • flask_app/models.py

    • A Flask Pythonic class representation of the database created at sql/create_db.sql
  • flask_app/forms.py

    • AssignForm: Grabs all Employees and projects and places them into drop boxes
    • RemovalForm: Grabs all info from a specified SSN or ProjectID and puts them into radio boxes
    • EmployeeForm: String fields to create a new employee with a SSN and a name
    • ProjectForm: String field to create a new project with a name
  • flask_app/_init_.py

    • Connects the credentials imported from sql_config.py (which is generated by exec_sql.sh) to your local MySQL database
    • Glues together all of the above peices into the main app and serves it with Flask