
Primary LanguageJavaScript

JS-CONSOLE (English description translated from Baidu)

The function is fast `console.log()`, which saves the time of wrong or frequent logging.

功能 Features


The function is shown in gif. Select a variable and press Ctrl+1 to quickly input a `console.log();`






Problem: When we view an object on the console, its properties are often proxied because of the use of the framework. When outputting in the console, the output is a reference, and the object's attribute values are all... You need to click Open to actually output this value. There is also Vue3. After Proxy is used, you need to click the object each time and click target to view the corresponding value.

Solution: You can make a copy of the log object, cut off the reference and proxy, and the console can see all the values of the object at a glance.

This shortcut function is the same as Ctrl+1, but the output is `console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.string(variable)));`

快捷键(Ctrl/Command+2) (Ctrl/Command+F2) (Ctrl/Command+F3)



Randomly prompt a motivational message to help you work efficiently in the day!

快捷键(Alt/Option+1) (Alt/Option+2) (Alt/Option+3) (Alt/Option+4)

Alt/Option+1 代表大写 / Representing uppercase
Alt/Option+2 代表下划线"_" / Representing "_"
Alt/Option+3 代表横线"-" / Representing "-"
Alt/Option+4 固定一种组合,不用按两次 / Fix a combination without pressing twice

选中变量,先按alt+1,再按alt+2,表示把大写转为下划线 先按alt+2,再按alt+3,表示把下划线转为横线(下图此描述有误,以本描述为主) 可以相互转换
Select the variable and press alt+1 first, then alt+2 to convert uppercase to underline Press alt+2 first, then alt+3 to Convert the underline to a horizontal line (there is an error in this description in the following figure, and this description is the main one) Can be converted to each other



Randomly create an interesting image to enrich your code life.
Try Ctrl+Wheel to zoom. Click the img to switch.

插件/扩展设置 Extension Settings

Zh En 默认 Default
更改变量引导符 Change the variable guidance :::
更改单引号双引号 Change the single quotation number dual quotation '
结尾要不要分号 Semicolon at the end or not true
是否显示行数,行数显示在开始还是结束 Whether to display the number of lines, whether to display the number of lines on the begin or end true/begin
启动时是否显示激励语 Show encourage message or not on startup true
更多请进入设置查看 For more information, please enter Settings to view


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