This repository is a Github Template for ZIO library use in Scala 3. It uses VS Code Devcontainer configuration to support ~zero effort environmental setup with just two dependencies: Visual Studio Code
with the Remote Container
extension (somewhat a misnomer, can be local use also), and Docker
. See below for details. Presently this template employs the following:
- hseeberger/scala-sbt with
OpenJDK 11.0.10
SBT 1.5.0
Scala 3.0.0-RC2
ZIO 1.0.6
Big thank you to hseeberger/scala-sbt, whose scala-sbt Dockerfile I use as a basis for this Template (then layering on VS Code Remote Devcontainer support in this repo's Dockerfile).
With the release of Scala 3, and being very curious about the ZIO library, I wanted to explore and learn. I created this Template after having some trouble following the Scala 3 Getting Started
options - ultimately I was successful but it was not a smooth experience. In my professional life I've found VS Code's
Remote - Containers
extension to be excellent for ~one-click environmental spin-up, minimal IDE support and and github repository integration. So I created a GH Template with this tool stack.
- Create your own repo using this Template (Creating a repository from a template)
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Docker
- Open Visual Studio Code and install the Remote - Containers extension
- Hit
to get theCommand Pallete
and type `Remote-Containers: Clone Repository in Container Volume...' - Paste the URL of your Github repository into the box (e.g.
but substitute your username and repo) - Hit enter, then when prompted select
Create Unique Volume
in Docker, hit enter - Now be patient, much has to happen. You should see a
Starting Devcontainer
Notification (you can click to monitor logs).- VS Code will clone the repo into a Docker Mount
- VS Code will fetch the base Docker container (~600 MB
- VS Code will use docker build to add VS code Container support
- VS Code will auto-install in container plugins incl Metals
- Once the source code appears, you should be presented with a notification at bottom right
New sbt workspace detected, would you like to import the build?
-> ClickImport build
(click bell icon at bottom right if you missed it)- At this point you can monitor progress
and from the drop-down selectMetals
- Be patient... very patient...
- sbt fetches dependencies, metals and boop get configured - you may see error messages in
Output, keep waiting
- At this point you can monitor progress
- You will know all is complete when, if you open
and click on e.g. themyAppLogic
symbol a tooltip giving type information is displayed (val myAppLogic: zio.ZIO[Console,, Unit]
You can test run Main.scala by opening a new terminal (Terminal
-> New Terminal
) and typing sbt run
. You should observe:
vscode ➜ /workspaces/zio_scala3_starter (main ✗) $ sbt run
copying runtime jar...
[info] welcome to sbt 1.5.0-RC2 (Oracle Corporation Java 11.0.10)
[info] loading settings for project zio_scala3_starter-build-build from metals.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /workspaces/zio_scala3_starter/project/project
[info] loading settings for project zio_scala3_starter-build from metals.sbt ...
[info] loading project definition from /workspaces/zio_scala3_starter/project
[success] Generated .bloop/zio_scala3_starter-build.json
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed Apr 16, 2021, 10:38:00 AM
[info] loading settings for project root from build.sbt ...
[info] set current project to scala3-simple (in build file:/workspaces/zio_scala3_starter/)
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to /workspaces/zio_scala3_starter/target/scala-3.0.0-RC2/classes ...
[info] running MyApp
Hello! What is your name?
Hello, scott, welcome to ZIO!
[success] Total time: 33 s, completed Apr 16, 2021, 10:38:34 AM
It appears to me that Metals is re-downloading sbt and not using the sbt provided by the hseeberger/scala-sbt base Docker layer. This is incredibly inefficient and should be remedied.
Offer GraalVM native builds ( has a docker build for this, but it is not in a favorable base OS for the VS Code devcontainer overlay conviguration - at least not in my experimentation so far).
docker run --mount source=.,target=/home/sbtuser -it --rm -u sbtuser -w /home/sbtuser hseeberger/scala-sbt:latest /bin/sh