
Primary LanguageSwift


Code challenge for iOS Developer Candidates

If we move on to an on-site interview, your completed project will be used as a starting point for pair-programming an additional feature with someone from the team. This allows us to replicate a real-work scenario as much as possible, without spending time just to get the project started.

We've done our best to document the requirements and helper class TwitterClient as much as possible, but please feel free to reach out and ask questions if anything is unclear.


We will be evaluating the code on:

  • Code clarity/readability
  • Architecture
    • Please architect this app in the way that you’d want to build at JOOR (6+ developers over 2+ years). We understand that this may fall into over-architecting for the task at hand, but the purpose is to understand how you draw the lines between different groups of responsibilities and how that translates into functional layers
  • Unit test coverage and clarity


Cloning this project to begin, please build a simple Twitter client with two screens:

  • Log In
    • There should be fields to type in a username and a password
    • Upon tapping a "Log In" button, the code should eventually call TwitterClient.logIn(username:, password:) with the provided credentials; i.e. there may be intermediate objects and/or method calls in between tapping the button and calling logIn(username:, password:)
    • Once TwitterClient.isLoggedIn.value goes to true, the app should show the Tweet Feed screen
  • Tweet Feed
    • Show a list of tweets (Provided by TwitterClient.shared.loadTimeline)
      • Cells should include a title with the posting user’s handle and the content of the tweet
    • Navigation bar should have a "Log Out" button. On tapping this button:
      • TwitterClient.shared.isLoggedIn.value should be set to false
      • The Log In screen should be shown

Additional Requirements:

  • If TwitterClient.isLoggedIn.value is true on app launch, the app should go straight to the Tweet Feed screen

Out of scope:

  • Any error handling for failed log in credentials. If the credentials entered are incorrect, nothing should happen and the log in screen should remain displayed
  • Any UI tests


  • TwitterClient

We've provided a TwitterClient class to start you off. This class will help manage the logged in status, as well as the tweets to display. Note that the isLoggedIn property is a ReactiveKit reactive Property. In order to listen for changes to this value, we use code like:

isLoggedIn.observeNext { (isLoggedIn: Bool) -> Void in /* handle logged in status change */ }
  • TwitterClientSpec

Included in the project is a test file to ensure that TwitterClient is acting the way we expect. If the tests are failing, then we've broken the project and please let us know. The tests are written in a particular style, and use the Quick and Nimble frameworks; you are not expected to write tests in that particular style, nor are you expected to use Quick and Nimble. Use whatever comes natural to you.

This class is meant to help you in lieu of using an actual Twitter API that takes some time to set up. If the class documentation provided is not adequate, please feel free to ask any questions about its use.

  • Additional Frameworks

Feel free to use any frameworks that will help you, just please edit README's "Additional Frameworks Used" section below to note the ones you’ve used and what you’ve used them for

Additional Frameworks Used

SwiftUI, Combine, XCTest

I prefer to use Apple built-in frameworks whenever possible (Combine and XCTest) instead of external frameworks (ReactiveKit, Quick and Nimble). However, I'm confortable using any external frameworks if required.